Server History
Last 30 days
Server Time streamed
Prodigy RP (GTA) 113hrs 5mins
All Time
Server First Online Last Online Time streamed
Prodigy RP (GTA) 14 Oct 2023 7 Sep 2024 504hrs 1m
Prodigy RP (RDR2) 30 Apr 2024 6 Jun 2024 82hrs 34mins
Echo RP (GTA) 28 Nov 2022 1 Jan 2023 21hrs 58mins
Last 10 Tracked Streams
Prodigy RP (GTA)
6 Sep Push for 1000 Followers EP3 🚨 Ernie Gimp 🚨 ProdigyRP 🚨 Hobogang 🚨 18+ Stream
6 Sep Diamond Destinations event tonight 🚨 Ernie Gimp 🚨 ProdigyRP 🚨 Hobogang 🚨 18+ Stream
4 Sep Pushing for 1000 Followers! 🚨 Ernie Gimp 🚨 ProdigyRP 🚨 Hobogang 🚨 18+ Stream
30 Aug PD Griffin 🚨 Richard Cheese 🚨 Hit that Follow - Help us grow 🚨 #ProdigyRP 2.0 18+ 🚨 #Hobogang
29 Aug STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW! 🚨 Richard Cheese 🚨 Hit that Follow - Help us grow 🚨 #ProdigyRP 2.0 18+ 🚨 #Hobogang
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